Monday, October 17, 2011

Contact List

Whilst talking to my respected teacher, Maulana Imran Sahib, he was mentioning how he had lost his contacts list on his phone and how he was so dependant on the numbers that were stored on his phone.

To resolve this issue, and to ensure that it did not reoccur, he came out with the solution of backing his phone’s contact list on to his computer as well as his email account.

Whilst mentioning the same thing to some other students gave an amazing thought provoking comparison to the Hereafter. He said,

It is amazing as to how dependant we are on our worldly contacts list. We go through many means to ensure that it is safeguarded and backed up. Yet have we ever thought about the contacts that we will require in the Hereafter? What will happen to us on that Day if we have lost all our contacts?

This made me ponder over the many times my Shaykh and respected teachers have mentioned the need to keep pious company and to attend the Majalis (gatherings) of the ‘Ulamaa (Scholars).

In this world they are a source of guidance and in the Hereafter we will be indebted to them for their guidance. They will be our contacts in the Hereafter and Insha Allah our constant contact with them in this world we will be our safeguarding and backup of our contacts so that we are not stranded without any contacts in the Hereafter.

May Allah give us all the inclination to occupy the gatherings of the pious and to take heed of their guidance and advices. Aameen.

If we were to glance at our phone’s contact list… How many contacts would we find of pious people? If we don’t have many, how often is it that we keep in touch with such personalities?


Monday, October 10, 2011

Collaborating Sites

Over time, I have begun to struggle in updating my blogs due to time constraints and becoming occupied with other commitments.

I also have a number of blogs which takes up a considerable amount of time to update on a regular basis.

I have therefore, with the advice of some friends, readers and fellow bloggers reverted back to my wordpress blog,

I am consolidating all my blogs and publishing my posts at one central site. This will allow me to focus my attention at one site and therefore enable to post regularly.

However, at the same time, I will maintain the theme of my current blogs which were kept separate for this very reason.

In I was concentrating on life experiences and lessons learnt from them as well as the thoughts that run through my mind and remind me of my Creator.

In I introduced a range of educational Islamic material that people could refer to and benefit from.

And finally, was a collection of teachings and experiences from my days of studying at Darul Uloom (Islamic Institution) as well as the lessons I learnt I also include the words of wisdoms from my respected teachers and their biographies.

Also included on the wordpress site will be my collections from my site. This will include event notifications, book reviews, biographies, poetry and various other topics.

All in all, I pray that this is a positive step forward in the collaboration of the various different themes I have mentioned and that it proves to benefit me and its readers.

If you are receiving subscriptions from this site, please add a new subscription to for all future posts.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Life is Like A Balloon

After the Taraweeh prayer, my Shaykh, Hadhrat Maulana Adam Sahib, has a gathering which is short and concise but full of wisdom and advice.

In last nights Taraweeh, Hadhrat was explaining the importance on ensuring one does not harm another person especially during the month of Ramadhan. So much so, that if a person was to complete his Faraidh (obligatory duties) and thereafter refrain from any other activity whilst secluding himself in his home, with the intention that he should save others from his harm. Then such a person will be regarded with such high status in the sight of Allah.

Hadhrat explained how is so unpredictable and unreliable. We give, within our lives, preference to activities such as eating, earning and materialistic things, although these are not forbidden they are futile for our Hereafter, and the key is to realise this and then continue with our lives.

The example Hadhrat gave was that of a balloon; we spend so much time in blowing air into the balloon and we make it grow and grow. However, it only takes a small pin to come and end all our efforts and the balloon will burst.

Similarly, in our lives (, we fill our days with so much things during our daily activities but we should always realise that the pin of death will take a fraction of a second to end all our efforts in this world.

Our lives are like the fragile balloons and whatever activities we do we is the air we are filling the balloon with.

May Allah give us the ability to remember Him continuously and to realise the reality of this life and through that give us the inclination to prepare for the Hereafter. Aameen